



CDCのサイト『Rubella in Japan – Alert – Level 2, Practice Enhanced Precautions – Travel Health Notices』によると、渡航前に予防接種(MMRワクチン)を受けているか確認すること、予防接種あるいは罹患歴がなく風しんへの免疫を持たない妊婦は、流行している間、日本への旅行を避けるように勧告しています。

  • There is an outbreak of rubella in Japan.
  • Travelers to Japan should make sure they are vaccinated against rubella with the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine before travel.
  • Rubella is very dangerous for a pregnant woman and her developing baby. Pregnant women who are not protected against rubella through either vaccination or previous rubella infection should not travel to Japan during this outbreak.

CDC公式ツイッター(3:19 – 2018年10月23日)でも呼びかけを行っています。

Travelers going to Japan: make sure you’re vaccinated against rubella before leaving the U.S. If you’re #pregnant & not protected against rubella, avoid travel to Japan during this outbreak.

香港の保健当局からも日本の風疹流行に関するプレスリリース『Rubella cases in Japan closely monitored』が出ました。日本の流行を注意深くモニタリングしており、旅行者へ注意を呼びかけているとのことです。

The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is closely monitoring an increase in the number of rubella (also known as “German Measles”) cases in Japan and appealed to the travellers and members of the public for vigilance and reiterated that vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease.

Centre for Health Protectionのトップページ”Health Notice”欄でも注意を呼びかけています。

According to the information from the health authority of Japan, an ongoing outbreak of rubella is observed in the country. As rubella-containing vaccine is contraindicated in pregnant women, all pregnant women and women preparing for pregnancy who are non-immune to rubella should not travel to Japan during the outbreak period.

台湾CDCでも、旅行者への注意喚起(※繁体字中文)を出しました。Taiwan Newsの記事冒頭には「台湾人にとって日本は秋の旅行先として人気だが、台湾CDCが隣国での風疹患者の増加により旅行者に注意を呼びかけている」と書かれています。

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Japan is a popular destination for many Taiwanese in the autumn months but Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has put out a travel warning this year due to an increase in rubella (German measles) cases in the neighboring country.

